Part 2 (John 15:1-15)
“I am the vine, you are the branches” 
Jesus compared himself to a
vine, his disciples to branches, and his Father to a gardener. He created a detailed comparison that
instantly connected with his audience.
EVERYONE knew how vines grew, how they were pruned, and how they
produced fruit.
With this comparison he was
telling them HOW TO LIVE. If you are
connected, you will flourish.
Read the story here:
Listen to the story here:
But in any use of figurative
language there are some things that are alike, and others that are certainly NOT
alike. Most people will intuitively
understand which parts are different. In
our example of the lemon (Part 1), if you are about to give your friend a piece
of hard candy to taste and you say it is “like lemons,” they will understand
you are NOT saying that a candy is a fruit.
However, in more complex comparisons like the one with the vine, it is
sometimes necessary to be clear about which of the aspects of the comparison
are NOT alike.
So, with the vine and
branches comparison, the disciples are NOT mere mindless, soulless plants. They are not connected to the vine apart from
their own CHOICE of will. This departure
from the comparison becomes clear by the use of one verb:
A branch cannot CHOOSE
whether to attach or detach from the vine.
A person can. Jesus is saying to
them: “You are a person with free
will. You will have to CHOOSE to stay
connected to me.” Then He makes the
choice of staying connected eminently desirable by saying, “Remain in my
love.” Who would want to leave love?!
Even so, it is more than a
little frightening to know that you can CHOOSE to depart from the true vine and
therefore end up destroying yourself. Is it hard to stay, or easy to go? How will you know whether you are really
What do you think?
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